Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Having to Find New Doctor

I have been spoiled, I'll admit. I've seen one doctor, for my many ailments, over the past three years. She has diagnosed me negative for many diseases, and figuratively held my hand through each ordeal by reminding me that I was acting like a paranoid baby. I LOVED that doctor. She patronized me to my face. She told me that my vagina was fine and I should stop staring at it. She gave me prescriptions and refills, no questions asked! We were developing a rapport .... I had plans.

According to the dimwitted receptionists at her office there is another doctor who is HIGHLY recommended, especially if I like whatever the hell it is I like about my current doctor. My roommate went to see the referred doctor and if her facebook status message is to be believed the meeting did not go as I had expected. Perhaps the 'stand in' doctor isn't actually up to par with my departing doctor, and the love of my life [Gyno + lesbian + funny (talked about Britney Spears and awkwardly made reference to E to seem cool!) + hot (in her own way) + doctor = booyah! I'm in love.] As far as I'm concerned, my departing GP's shoes are nearly impossible to fill and I won't be surprised if no other doctor in the group is a remote facsimile.

It's a sad time for Martina. A time for confusion, introspection, Google searches and introspection as to what she really wants out of a doctor. Martina is somewhat trained to expect very little. If I want holistic advice, I'll pay a holistic healer out of pocket. When I see a western doctor I want western medicine: ie drugs, though I'm fairly certain it doesn't fly when you describe the prize that way.

So we will see, and I will keep you posted. In the meantime, I just love Joe, the Physicians Assistant, who takes all the time in the world with me, and listens to my every neurotic thought about the potential harm my meds might cause me before he prescribes me more.

I might be spoiled.

Here's to the good life.

1 comment:

  1. are you dead yet?

    'cause we have a betting pool

    just checking
